We offer a 5-month online course in the BDR profession, helping foreigners secure remote jobs with US companies
Tech-oriented mindset
5+ years work experience
B2+ English
For those who:
We guarantee
a minimum monthly salary of $2000 (10,400+ BRL) after course completion or offer a refund of the course fees for individuals who pass the selection process and qualify for the course
2 minutes to complete the test and get information about the next steps
He has helped his clients generate more than $600M in sales pipeline
Dan Gridin course expert
Who is a BDR ?
A BDR (Business Development Representative) is a professional who finds new customers for a company’s products or services. They gather and prepare leads for the sales team.
  • 5 months
    This online course lasts 5 months and requires 7-8 hours of study and work per week
  • We're about to begin
    Don't miss the start of the course. Hurry up to reserve your spot
  • 0 cold calling
    The job involves searching and communicating via LinkedIn and email, with no cold calling
Comparing salaries in Brazil and the US. How an average Brazilian with English skills could earn 3−5 times more as a BDR for a US company.
Average monthly salary in Brazil — $535 or 2787 BRL
  • Before taking the BDR course,
    our students received slightly higher salaries, ranging between $500-$1200 or 2600−6200 BRL.
    However, these salaries are still much lower than the starting salary after completing the course, which is $2,000 or 10,400 BRL.
  • After completing our course,
    Brazilian students are more qualified than the average American BDR who enters the profession. Therefore, our students, despite not being native English speakers and working remotely from Brazil, could secure a BDR job in the US with a starting salary of $2,000 plus bonuses.
Minimum (lowest 10%) monthly BDR salary in the US* —
$3,259 or 16,971 BRL
After 1-2 years of job experience, our students could expect to earn $3,000-4,000 (15,600-20,800 BRL) per month.
Average monthly BDR salary in the US* —
$5,042 or 26,255 BRL
After gaining 3-5 years of experience, our students could earn $5,000+ (26,000+ BRL) per month.
*We calculated the average from four sources of data: Zippia.com, Salary.com, Indeed.com, Glassdoor.com
Why do companies pay so much to BDRs?
1. The US economy is strong, with average salaries several times higher than in other countries.

2. A US company can derive more value from your work. As a BDR specialist, you can help a company generate sales of $100,000, $300,000, $800,000 or even $5M a year. Companies are willing to pay for the additional sales you bring to them.
Not to be unfounded, we conducted some inspiring interviews with experienced BDRs. You can watch these interviews and see that becoming a BDR and earning a lot of money is real.
We also interviewed Justin Geib, VP of Sales at Dell Technologies, who shared his valuable experience, gave some important tips for BDR beginners, and appreciated our course. Take a look at what he say.
In this interview, Justin highly praised our program saying:
The program you have set up really aligns with the skill sets that we look for
Justin Geib, VP of Sales at Dell Technologies
Take the test to see if you qualify for the course
Last step to see if you qualify for the course
What is your level of proficiency in English?
Please answer honestly and accurately, as your results rely on correct form completion.
What is your employment status and work experience?
If you are a student with work experience, indicate the number of years you`ve worked.
What is your average monthly income?
Select the average monthly salary you have received during the past 6 months. If you are unemployed, choose – No income.
Which of the following services are you familiar with?
Select all that you worked with:
To improve your chances of passing the selection process for the course, provide a detailed response:
Paste a full link starting with https://
Please use only your WhatsApp number. It will be necessary for future steps
To clarify, what we offer is:
Not immediate employment, but a course that leads to a job opportunity with a US company
What is Business Development Representative (BDR)?
BDR is a specialist who finds potential customers and prepares them to make a sale using emails and social media.
BDR deals with companies & startups who are not selling directly to customers, but selling to other businesses. This marketing model is called B2B — business to business.
What is B2B?
B2B sales are typically done on a much larger scale than B2C sales. The average sale amount is not $50 or $500, but often in the range of $10,000, $50,000, or even more than $1 million.
Selling to a business customer is not the same as selling a pair of sneakers to an individual customer. You need to understand the business’s needs and problems, identify potential business customers, establish a connection, generate interest, and demonstrate your value.
In this course and at work, you will most often encounter SaaS (Software as a Service) services. This refers to the provision of software on a subscription basis. You may be familiar with some of these services, such as Microsoft Windows, Apple iCloud, Adobe Creative Cloud, Zoom, Canva, and many others.
A lot of software in the US is designed in the SaaS model. It’s a large market with almost 100% margins and a recognizable sales scheme.
One More Key Concept - SaaS
These service companies have individual consumers, but they also work with large corporate customers. Have you seen the term "Enterprise" on a service’s website in the pricing section? Most of the profits of SaaS services come from these rates. A company places an order for tens, hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to implement the service across the entire company or department.
Who is this course for?
This course is for people who want to get salaries at a US level and meet at least one of the following conditions:
Have an upper-intermediate level of English and higher (B2+)
Have experience as a freelancer on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr and want to pursue a challenging new profession
Have a college degree or are currently attending college and want to pursue a career.
We Help Students Start a New Career
Practical experience is the most valuable thing that can lead our students to a high salary. We work with partners such as startups and companies to provide our students with opportunities to apply knowledge to real-life scenarios. This way, our students are not just learning theory, but also gaining practical experience.
1. Real Business Cases to Solve
Our BDR experts not only empower students with the best tools and knowledge to do your job, but also guide you and help you achieve your goals.
2. Depending on the tariff of the online course, our students can receive feedback and mentorship from our BDR experts.
For example, we have partners who are willing to pay 5−10% of leads/sales that our students helped to accomplish during the course when they found customers and helped to close deals. If one student has sold services for $30,000, you will receive a $3,000 reward.
3. Receiving an awardby Succeeding in Solving Business Cases During Our Education Program
Through constant practice, our students feel more comfortable in English conversations than they would by simply learning without real application
4. Learning English During the Course and Practice Experience
Our students learn how to help businesses achieve their goals and boost their sales. Some students have even gotten job offers from the companies involved in their business cases. If you will figure out how to help a company close the deal, they may be eager to onboard you in the future.
5. After the Course, Students Have Opportunities to Get a Job in the US Market
English Level is Not a Problem until you can read this
  • 1
    If you can understand what is written on this site, even if you don't know certain words, then you will definitely be able to understand the course information. Moreover, if you don't use English in your work, you are not realizing your full potential and may be underpaid.
  • 2
    Over the course of 5 months, our students definitely improve their English. We recommend starting by watching videos, TV series, and YouTube with subtitles only.
  • 3
    Our training materials will have subtitles everywhere, and you will be able to pause and translate the lesson. After feedback sessions, we will also provide a transcript version for you to review.
  • 4
    Our students will not need to sell via calls or video calls. The BDR's job is not to complete sales, but to prepare prospective customers for a more experienced sales team.
  • 5
    There are many tools available now to help bridge the gap between native and non-native speakers. Grammarly, DeepL, Chat-GPT, and NotionAI are all services that can help you look more like a native speaker.
Now there is a crisis: Specialists in IT companies and startups are being laid off. Why they will new employees?
All parties (employers and employees) benefit. Many companies in the U.S. are now saving money. They can hire an American specialist for $60K a year, or they can hire a specialist (with proper training) from Brazil and pay them half as much. This is our students' chance to get a job in the U.S. and increase their income by 3−5 times.
Now there is a crisis: Specialists in IT companies and startups are being laid off. Why they will new employees?
After students have worked as a BDR for 1-2 years and improved their English skills to an advanced fluent level (C1-C2), they can take on the responsibility of closing deals. This means selling and communicating with customers via audio and video calls. Doing this will also increase students' salary and bonuses.
The BDR job is remote, but if you want to move in the future to the US, it’s a great starting point.

Our students start working online, and eventually, they can find offline work in the U.S. Then, they have an opportunity to make $60−100K or more per year
Our experts are here for you
We create courses that change people’s lives for the better.

Since 2018, our team has created more than 30 online courses in various fields — from lifestyle to professional courses.

For all the time we have trained 120,000 students.

Founder of HYLS is Max Pog.

We are doing the BDR online course together with expert Dan Gridin. He has more than 15 years of experience in marketing, and helped his clients generate more than $600M in sales pipeline.
Dan Gridin
I guide sales and marketing teams to win the biggest deals faster.
Dan started his career during the 2008 recession and went through half a dozen local economic downturns, including multiple issues when the local currency lost 50% of its value overnight.

Dan worked with 50+ b2b niches, ranging from Cybersecurity and IoT platforms to self-rescuers for the coal mining sites.
Conducted projects in the US, EU, UK, MENA, South Africa, Mid-Asia and Latam.

Over his career, Dan helped his clients generate more than $600M in sales pipeline
Dan personally trained more than 1000 salespeople (both in-person and via his online programs)
More about Dan Gridin
My approach is based on 5 pillars:

1) Assessment. Choose best opps and expansion scenarios within the target accounts based on a unique set of criteria backed by math modeling.

2) Research. Combine best practices from martech and OSINT to reveal the insights and build a slam-dunk business case.

3) Messaging. Craft highly-relevant value propositions, engaging content pieces, and outreach cadences with a 70% reply rate.

4) Mapping. Get the whole team around progress and challenges in the deal. Plan future steps based on relevant data.

5) Scaling. Сreate marketing and operations exoskeleton that allows top sales performers to increase their bandwidth by up to 50%.
Few fun facts:
  • Switched to full-time consulting during the 2008 recession.

  • Worked with 50+ b2b niches, ranging from Cybersecurity and IoT platforms to self-rescuers for the coal mining sites.
  • Trained more than 200 enterprise sales and marketing teams.

  • Conducted projects in the US, EU, UK, MENA, South Africa, and Mid-Asia.
Feedback from Dan's students on his other sales courses
Skills You Can Learn in This Course
Learn how to research a product to improve communication and increase sales
Learn how to find potential customers and analyze information from profiles
Learn how to plan cadence and write letters to a potential client that you want to respond to
Learn to use AI tools to write more concise and understandable letters in English, and get closer to native speaker level
Learn how to create a target client profile
Learn to use the Hubspot CRM system
Learn how to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Learn how to look for jobs and interview at American startups
How learning works
The learning process depends on the choice of the tariff plan, which includes several steps:
  • Video Lesson Viewing
    Students will spend 2−3 hours per week watching recorded video lessons.
  • Homework Completion
    We will provide students with homework assignments that will take approximately 5-7 hours per week to complete.
  • Homework Review + Discussion
    Every two weeks, we will hold a call to review students' homework and answer any questions they may have.
Additionally, students have access to a group chat where they can discuss their homework and other questions of interest with other students. Our goal is to provide a highly effective learning process for each student, and our team is always ready to assist students in achieving this goal
5-month program
Each student gets a real case to work on – this is practical experience – twice a month additional sessions within the coach group to help solve real business cases.
Students' results after the course

After the course students have opportunities to get a job in the US market and earn from $2000/month

Students earn money if they succeed while solving business cases during our education program

Students learn English during their work experience. Constant practice helps them to feel more comfortable in English conversations than just learning without real application

Who is BDR Academy students right now
Here are 5 ideas on how to get a job in the BDR sphere after 5 months:
Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and build relationships with people in the industry. This will increase chances of finding job opportunities and referrals.
Participate in internships, volunteer work or freelance projects to gain practical experience in the BDR field. This will help our students stand out from other candidates and show their commitment to the industry.
Gain practical experience
Develop specific skills or knowledge in a particular industry or niche. This will make students more attractive to potential employers who are looking for specialists in a particular area.
Specialize in a niche
Our students reach out to their network of friends, family, and colleagues to see if they know of any job opportunities. They may be able to provide them with a referral or recommend them for a job opening.
Leverage your network
Stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technology, and best practices in the BDR industry. This will help students stay competitive and show that they are committed to their career.
Continuous learning
Remember, getting a job in the BDR field requires hard work, dedication, and a commitment to continuous learning. By following these tips, our students can increase their chances of finding a job in the industry within 6 months.
Why would startup CEOs in the U.S. be willing to hire our students?
Usually, people look for a job using the following scheme:
Creating a resume
Responding to job postings
Adding themselves en masse to LinkedIn connections
Sending out a standard message to everyone
However, this approach stopped working in the United States 10 to 15 years ago.
Now, companies receive hundreds of responses, and the standard approach is not effective.
Our students who complete the course will know how to collect contact information, compose personalized messages, and promote their LinkedIn profile. They will be able to build a strong contact base and will learn various tricks for getting job offers before even announcing that they are looking for work.
After our course our students have all the skills needed to impress CEOs and heads of sales from various companies so that they will:
Be interested in connecting with them on LinkedIn
Add them to their contacts
Follow their account and expertise
Dream of hiring them
Our technique will work, so we offer a full refund if a student doesn't get the job.
Participation options
Only for people who pass the selection process and are qualified to receive a guarantee, we offer the tariff — In a group with support. This tariff allows for a 100% money-back guarantee
In a group with support
Access to recorded materials and instructions
Templates and checklists
Video lessons for 5 months
Group calls with feedback from our experts — 2.5 hours every 2 weeks
All modules included
Additional lesson and templates to find a job after completing the course
Guarantee of employment after completing the course
Access to business tasks from our partners and the opportunity to start earning during training
(we will refund 100% of the cost of training if each student completes the course, follows our job search recommendations, but doesn’t find a job with a salary of at least $2000 per month within 6 months after completing the course)